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Premises Entry Limitations during COVID-19 Lockdown
Premises Entry Limitations during COVID-19 Lockdown
It is highly recommended to access updated information regarding lockdown from relevant State Govt Website prior approaching for repair, state govt guidelines are exercised in this practice.
No Exposure to COVID 19 & Symptom Free
To avoid spreading the virus, coming for repair is not required unless free from COVID 19 virus and symptoms
Primary Device Faulty
If broken device is your only device for essential medical\work\studies or life support
Sanitized Enough
Devices & accessories are required to be sanitized enough so it is safe to repair
Safe Distance & Wearing Mask
Standing at safe distance (1.5 m) when talking as recommended. Wearing Mask is compulsory
No Walk-ins, Only By Appointment
Entry into the premises is not allowed in line with lockdown. Device required be depositing and receiving back at the entry gate.